Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Babywearing Adventures Begin...

Right, so I've been babywearing for almost 3 years now. Hard to believe that my oldest will be 3 in August. I started out wearing him in a Moby wrap when he was just a few days old. I tried a couple of ring slings, but didn't really have a "need" to wear him because he was quite content to play by himself while I did things like laundry or cooking.

Life, however, changes and our needs changed right along with it. We moved from our home in Columbia, SC to Greenville, SC (my hometown) so that I could take care of my dad following a double bypass surgery. Suddenly babywearing was my friend as I tried to manage lugging a then 18 month old about to all of Dad's doctor appointments and, at times, pushing a wheelchair as well. I purchased a Maya wrap ring sling because I found that the Moby just wasn't supportive enough for my now 20+ lb little one. Then along came baby number 2, and boy, was I in trouble. I now had an extremely active 2 year old, plus my dad and his wheelchair, and a new baby!

Enter the Wonderful World of Woven Wraps (and new friends for me)! I was introduced to the wonders of woven wraps at a mama meet up, and fell in love with my soon to be friend's purple and ecru Natibaby butterflies. I started hunting local stores for these wonderous things, only to discover that they weren't sold in stores! Then I discovered The Babywearing Swap. I was able to get my first woven wrap, a Didymos Nino, and I tried to figure out what to do with all that fabric! Fortunately, we have a very active babywearing community in Greenville, so I was able to get help and pointers. Soon I found myself churning through wraps as I discovered what blends did and did not work for me. I dabbled in mei tais and ring slings, and soon found myself being the one offering pointers to other mamas.

So why a babywearing blog? Well, I've seen lots of videos out there about babywearing. Some are fantastic. Some...not so much. The lighting was bad, the wrap was too dark, the sound was awful, you name it, I could find something that I could do better. Then my husband asked me one day "Why don't you make a video and fix all the things you're complaining about?" So here we go! As I type this, my hubby is in the office working out the kinks in the most awesome video set up a babywearing mama could wish for! He's made bucket lights and mic stands, and is figuring out where each light needs to be to get the perfect angle. Doing audio tests that I'm hoping won't wake the baby...my hubby is awesome!

We're off on an exciting adventure that will hopefully educate some mamas and let them experience the wonders of keeping their baby close while still getting everything done. Well, most everything anyway... I'll be doing my best to post a new video each week. So if you're a new mama to babywearing, a veteran struggling with a carry, or just a babywearing fanatic stuck in a carry rut, chime in on what you'd like to see. I have all different sizes of wraps, so I can do a video on just about anything. And I might even venture into how-to's on chopping and hemming, slingifying, and mei tai construction...who knows?

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world! Your "studio" sounds amazing! Looking forward to learning more about wrapping by reading along!
