Thursday, June 20, 2013

Woven Wraps: Sizes and Base Size

All right, so you want to wear your baby and you think you'd like a woven wrap. Where do you start?

There are many different brands, different fabric blends...don't even get me started on colors and designs! But probably the most important question: what size do I need? These things don't come with dress sizes!

Here's a brief run down on sizes. Woven wraps come in sizes 1 to 8. Almost all wraps are measured using the same scale (measured in meters because most manufacturers are in Europe).

Size 1 - 2.2 m
Size 2 - 2.7 m
Size 3 - 3.2 m
Size 4 - 3.6 m
Size 5 - 4.2 m
Size 6 - 4.6 m
Size 7 - 5.2 m
Size 8 - 5.6 m

Okay, so that's great. You're telling me it's a lot of fabric. But what works for me? Well, the long and the short answer is: it depends on what you want to do. Do you want to carry your baby in front, on your hip, or on your back? I will be doing featured carries for each size/position in later posts, but for now we'll go with this answer. Most people start with a size 6. Unless you are really tall (or really well endowed) or really petite, you can do just about any carry with a size 6. I'm 5' 8", about 180 lbs (and dropping!), and I can do anything I want, including tandem carry my boys, in a size 6. My friend, who is much smaller than me, is completely lost in a 6, and prefers a size 4. I have wraps in multiple sizes and which one I grab depends on what I'm doing. If we are going to be doing a lot of in and out of the car, I reach for a shorter wrap like a 2 or a 3 and do a hip carry. If we're going to be walking about for long periods, I will grab either a 4, 5, or 6 to do a back carry with. Below are some pictures of wraps in different sizes:

Front Wrap Cross Carry
Size 6

Secure High Back Carry
Size 6

Tandem Carry
Size 7

Front Wrap Cross Carry
Size 4

Ruck Tied in Front
Size 4

Coolest Hip Carry
Size 5

Kangaroo Carry
Size 5

Secure High Back Carry
Size 5

Rebozo Hip Carry
Size 2

So, as you can see, there is a multitude of ways to wear your baby. And these pictures are just what I grabbed off my computer really quick. Some of these carries can be done in multiple size wraps, such as the secure high back carry, while others, such as the rebozo hip carry, are best done with a shorter wrap.

My best suggestion on what size wrap to get? Play with them! Find a babywearing group in your area, and play around, see what works for you. Borrow a wrap from a friend. The most important thing to remember about babywearing is not how you choose to do it, but that you choose to do it!

1 comment:

  1. I've found with wraps you just gotta jump in feet first and not be afraid to try things! Looking forward to many more posts and pics my friend ;)
